This is is the Archerfish from Asia. These amazing fish have the unusual habit of feeding on land-based insects. Even more unique is their method of hunting their chosen prey. They spit a powerful jet of water at their dinner knocking it from overhanging foliage into the water, where the fish quickly gobbles them up! Of course I decided, this is something I needed to photograph using high speed flash, and so began a two-month long project.
First I needed to set up an aquarium. Once the fish was settled into its new home the process of training began. I started by adding a terrarium-like extension above the tank where I could release insects for it to feed upon using its natural abilities. Then I slowly removed pieces of vegetation until there was just one sprig left. The fish quickly learned that when he saw my hands in that area, dinner was being served. Turns out that was the easy part!
The photography proved to be quite a bit more difficult.
For lighting I used four Nikon SB-600s dialed down to 1/16th power giving me an effective shutter speed of 1/11,000 of a second. Two lights were aimed at the fish and I used two lights for the background. I was hoping that I could use a laser trigger system to fire the camera but it turns out the fish would come at the prey from many different angles. Which of course made it impossible for me to know where to place the beam. This meant I had to hand fire the camera and the timing would be critical.
I had my flashes powered by external battery packs and with them dialed down to 1/16th power I could fire off 6 to 8 frames at 10 frames per second, before the flashes capacitors ran dry and needed to recharge. This would give me just over half a second window in which to capture the action.
Over the course of the 50 hours I spent behind my camera trying to get the shot I saw the Archerfish fire its watery arrow maybe twenty times. I got only two frames where you could see the jet of water. The two which are included in this post. Most often I fired too late. Amazingly though 8 times the action happened between frames! Now keep in mind my camera shoots at 10 frames per second, which means the entire “squirt” takes place in less than 1/10th of a second! When this would happen, I would have one frame where there was nothing and in the very next frame there would be a few drops of water and a spider in mid-air blasted from the leaf. Now that’s high speed photography!
I’m french and working in the aera of creativity and innovation combined with environnemental issues, as a teacher and a consultant. I’m currently working on a deck cards project, based on inspiration from nature and biomimicry approach. I’ve made a card about the story of the archerfish and I saw your great picture.
Would it be possible for you you to give me authorisation to use it – and if so to send me your picture in HD ? Of course, your name would be mentionned.
Thank you for helping me to provide to students and to innovative people our mutual interest for nature,
best regards
Sylvie Sesé
I work as a physics teacher and was wondering if I could have permission to use your great photo to make a question about refraction and where the Archer fish must aim compared to where the fly appears to be.
I hope you’re doing well. My name is Mohamed, and I’m currently working on a book titled Physics for Medical Students. I recently came across your wonderful photos and think they would be a perfect fit to enhance the visual aspect of the book.
Would it be possible to get your permission to use your photos in this project? I would be happy to credit you properly and comply with any terms or conditions you may have regarding their use.
Looking forward to hearing from you.
Best regards,