
I have just returned from an amazing trip to Africa. Like many people I have been on many an armchair safari in my family room, experiencing the sights and sounds on television. But to actually be there in the heart of it all was, well… epic. It was truly an unforgettable and amazing adventure. I made nearly 20,000 images while I was there. Seeing and photographing things I had only fantasized about experiencing in real life.

It will take me some time to sort through the images but I will be sure to get some galleries up here as I work my way through the editing process. In the meantime here is an image to whet your appetite. These are two nearly full grown leopard cubs. We had the privilege of spending over an hour with these two and their mother one afternoon. Leopards are the highlight of any safari and often people don’t even see one. We saw eight! Thanks in large part to our excellent guide. More on him later.

Good Luck and Good Light


Image: Leopards, Tarangire National Park, Tanzania