Just returned from a great trip to Belize where I was scouting some possible locations for future photo tours.
I have to admit that when I am travelling I have the mindset that, if I leave something at home at some point I will certainly need that piece of equipment in order to get the greatest shot ever. So I bring everything that I think I could possibly need on a trip. Which is a total pain in the… back! Here is a picture of all of the photography gear I brought along on this trip.
I have a very definite strategy when I am packing for a trip like this. I try to bring all of the essential, expensive, and hard to replace gear on the plane with me. So in my carry-on I have my two big lenses, two bodies, my flash system, a small wide angle lens, my tele-converters, all the battery chargers, spare storage cards, my laptop, hard drives, card reader, and all of the cables needed to hook it all up. Then in my checked luggage I have all of my shorter lenses, macro lenses, filters, tripod and heads, and all of the other stuff needed. My thinking is that if my checked package gets lost, stolen, or damaged I am not shut down; I still have the essential, hard to replace gear with me. I can always buy a tripod or smaller lenses locally or even have them overnighted to me if need be. But it will most likely be impossible for me to put my hands on a 600mm f4 on short order in the middle of Central America.
Here is a shot of my carry-on all loaded up. I use a backpack model made by Think Tank, called the Airport Addicted. I LOVE it! The bag is very well made holds a ton of gear and has a pocket in back to hold my laptop. Being a backpack allows me to throw it on my back when making those long treks through the airline terminals.
I will try to get some pictures from this trip posted soon. Right now however, I am late for an appointment with my chiropractor.