Milky Way Time Lapse

It’s a brave new world in photography! Lots of fun and creative new possibilities. Here is my first attempt at a time lapse. This was 300 images combined into this short video. I created the images at The Headwaters Dark Park just outside of Mackinaw City in Michigan.

The Headlands is one of the growing number of Dark Sky Parks in the world. It is currently the only one in Michigan. These special places that are kept free of artificial light, generally this is done to promote astronomy and astronomical observation.

For best viewing: Zoom to full screen and turn the HD up to 1080P using gear in lower right of the YouTube viewer

Good luck and Good Light!

Image(s) Milky Way, Headlands International Dark Park, Mackinaw City, MI
Nikon D4s, 17-35mm @ 20mm, 20 seconds @ f2.8, ISO 5000