Friday Photo Tip: Creating Silhouettes
Silhouettes are some of the most graphic images we can make as photographers. Silhouettes take vision! They are a bit of “photographic magic” the scene before the camera very rarely looks like a silhouette with the naked eye. They are created when we expose for the bright background. This under exposes the subject rendering it […]
Friday Photo Tip: Wide-angle Wildlife
You don’t get many opportunities to use this technique, but you should take advantage of them when they arise. This Sandhill Crane is from a park very near my home. Having grown up in the park he is totally acclimated to the presence of people. I created this image by lying on the ground and […]
High Speed Photography Pallid Bat Getting a Drink
Just returned from a great scouting trip to Southern Arizona. While there I spent a couple nights photographing bats drinking on the wing from a small pond in the dessert. To create this image an infrared beam was wired up to four high-speed flashes. My tripod mounted camera was set on a twenty second […]
This Just Makes Me Laugh
Porcupines are pretty feisty… who knew? When I saw this guy doing his Rocky Balboa impersonation I quickly switched over to 10 frames a second so I could put together this video file. With a wink and a nod to the Cowardly Lion of course! Good Luck and Good Light! Steve
Friday Photo Tip: Set the Mood
I just love the quiet peaceful mood of this image. There are many factors that help to create that mood. First and most obvious is the restful pose of the birds. Secondly, the beautiful warm late afternoon light, which accentuates the warm tones of the birds and golden grasses reflected in the still water. Lastly, […]
Friday Photo Tip: Animal Abstracts
Here is an example of a type of shot I love to make, an animal abstract. It is a tight close up of a group of Marine Iguanas sleeping. These Iguanas are from Espanola Island. The Iguana of Espanola are nicknamed Christmas Iguanas because of their unique red and green coloration. It is believed this […]
Flight Photography
Do you want to work on your flight photography skills? I am pleased to announce that I have just joined forces with The Friends Of Bosque Del Apache, Hunt’s Camera, and Sigma to lead a January workshop at Bosque Del Apache. With tens of thousands of Sandhill Cranes and Snow Geese present in January Bosque […]
High Speed Photography Moth in Flight
Finally got my new Cognisys Insect Rig (More on this in a future post!) for photographing insects in flight all dialed in. It combines all of my favorite things, high-speed flash, a dual laser triggering system, and an electromagnetic shutter that decreases shutter lag to 5 miliseconds! This “teddy bear” moth just makes me […]
Ruby-throated Hummingbird
I have had this image in my head for a few years. This was certainly the most challenging hummingbird setup I have ever tried to pull off. It took me three days to get the birds to accept all of the elements required to make this image. Then it was just a matter of getting […]
Get Involved in a Camera Club
If someone were to ask me what has made the biggest impact on my photography to date. I would have to say, “Getting involved in a camera club.” At the time (over twenty years ago) I had been shooting for a while and thought I had some skills. At least that is what all of […]