Making Photographs

Serengeti Sunrise
Snapshot- An informal photograph taken quickly.

Snapshots are not my intent. I am a photographer, I want to make photographs. Cameras, lenses, filters, flash, aperture, shutter speed, these are some of the tools of my trade. I use these tools to create the images I have in my head. More importantly, I make conscious choices about how and why I use each of these tools to bring my personal vision to my final image. Invest the time to learn how to use each of the tools at your disposal and you will become a better photographer.

Sometimes I choose a long lens to compress a scene. I may choose a slow shutter speed to impart motion into an image. Or perhaps I choose a wide open aperture to blur visual distractions and draw the eye where I want it to go within the frame. Making photographs is all about making choices. Some of the choices you make each time you trip the shutter include, what to include within the frame, how to use the light and, from what perspective you will make the image. If you make each of these choices with conscious thought and intent you will become a better photographer.

Good Luck and Good Light!

Image: Serengeti Sunrise, Tanzania
Nikon D4S, 24-85mm @40mm, 1/400th @ f11, ISO 400