The People of Peru

Well it has been a whirlwind of travel and adventures lately. From Peru, to Colorado, then Mothapalooza in Ohio (google it lol) then Ecuador, the Galapagos Islands, and most recently The Smoky Mountains for the eclipse, which was breathtaking! I am so fortunate to be able to experience different places and cultures around the world. […]

Costa Rica 2017

Just returned from back to back tours in Costa RicaI I was lucky to have two really great, fun groups! As always we worked very hard from dawn to dusk making tens of thousands of images of all the magnificent Costa Rican subjects. My personal favorite from the trip is the very graphic image of […]

Photo tip – Consider the Background

Whenever I am shooting I always consider the background of my image. I search for situations like this, where I can isolate my subject against a nice clean background. So, when a flock of Sulpher Winged Parakeets descended on this apple tree in Costa Rica for a little snack. I quickly dismissed all the birds […]

The Margay

This beautiful cat is the Margay. On my last trip to Costa Rica myself as well as part of my group were very fortunate to get to spend some quality time with this graceful creature Perfectly adapted for it’s life in the trees… yes the trees, this mostly arboreal cat has the unique ability to […]

Hunting Coyote

Just back from a week with an awesome group in Yellowstone and the Tetons. We had many great opportunities with Coyote. It seems to me that since the reintroduction of the Wolf the Coyote seem to be much more active during the daylight hours? I believe the Wolves must own the night. Quick tip… If […]

Toucan Hot Tub

When I first came upon this cavity in the jungle with a Yellow-throated Toucan hanging around. I assumed it was a nest cavity. Imagine my surprise when I returned later and discovered that it was in fact a jungle Toucan hot tub! I spent the next couple of hours watching 4 or 5 Toucans come […]

Costa Rica

Just returned from back to back sold out Costa Rica Photo Tours. Thanks to all the participants! I was very fortunate to have two excellent groups. Both tours were filled with great fun photographers. Here are a few highlights from the trips. First and foremost the Resplendent Quetzal, a truly amazing bird. Thought by many […]

Light Painting Red-eyed Treefrogs

I am leaving soon for back to back Costa Rica Photo Tours. I had to remember to bring a powerful flashlight to light paint the nocturnal Red-eyed Treefrogs we will be photographing. A flashlight? Light paint? Huh… why not flash? We do not use flash because it is thought that repeated exposure to flash can […]

Africa is Awesome

Finally got some time to look through some Africa images here is one of my favorites. I really love the shear drama of this image, which shows a lioness working to separate a calf from its mother in the Ngorongoro Crater. It is so amazing and such a privilege to have life and death struggles […]

Costa Rica Trip Participant Gallery

Had a great group of photographers on this last Costa Rica tour. Here is a link to a gallery showcasing some of their excellent work.