Photo tip – Consider the Background

Whenever I am shooting I always consider the background of my image. I search for situations like this, where I can isolate my subject against a nice clean background. So, when a flock of Sulpher Winged Parakeets descended on this apple tree in Costa Rica for a little snack. I quickly dismissed all the birds […]

Hunting Coyote

Just back from a week with an awesome group in Yellowstone and the Tetons. We had many great opportunities with Coyote. It seems to me that since the reintroduction of the Wolf the Coyote seem to be much more active during the daylight hours? I believe the Wolves must own the night. Quick tip… If […]

Top Ten Nature Photographers in the World?

Probably not lol… But it is nice to have someone besides my mother notice, thanks mom! Thanks also to Best Nature Photographers in the World List It is an honor to be included with such a great group of photographers.

Archerfish Hunting

This is is the Archerfish from Asia. These amazing fish have the unusual habit of feeding on land-based insects. Even more unique is their method of hunting their chosen prey. They spit a powerful jet of water at their dinner knocking it from overhanging foliage into the water, where the fish quickly gobbles them up! […]

Photographing Flying Squirrels with High Speed Flash

Flying Squirrels are fairly common, although seldom seen members of the rodent family. The Southern Flying Squirrel is found throughout the Eastern half of the United States. The Northern version is only found in the Northern most tier of states and in Canada. One of the biggest challenges of this project was attracting, and training […]

Show at The National Center for Nature Photography

Came across these images from a show I had at The National Center for Nature Photography a couple year back. The show was called “Avian Images” and focused on my bird photography from around the world. It was broken up into six main galleries focusing on different aspects of birds from flight and feathers to […]

Photographing a Mosquito Hatching

I suppose like most photographers I have a “photographic bucket-list”, and documenting the life-cycle of the much maligned Mosquito has always been high on that list. Like many of my projects this turned out to be quite the undertaking filled with many challenging and unique problems. Mosquitoes start off as eggs which hatch into larvae. […]

Flying Squirrel Landing

I have to say I think Flying Squirrels are quite possibly the cutest mammal in Michigan! Although “flying” squirrel is not quite accurate. These animals are not capable of actually powered flight like birds and bats. Instead they glide like a paper airplane on a membrane of skin called a patagium. This membrane runs from […]

Milky Way Time Lapse

It’s a brave new world in photography! Lots of fun and creative new possibilities. Here is my first attempt at a time lapse. This was 300 images combined into this short video. I created the images at The Headwaters Dark Park just outside of Mackinaw City in Michigan. The Headlands is one of the growing […]

Firefly in Flight

And… Now for something completely different! This is (I believe) a firefly in flight. I created this image with the help of the Cognisys Insect Rig. Which combined with a dual laser beam trigger system, a high-speed electro-magnetic shutter, and high-speed flashes makes creating images like this possible. The camera’s shutter is left open on […]